Texas GI 2025 Awards

Nomination Deadline: March 25 at 5:00 PM CT

Scope and Objective

The Texas Section of the Geo-Institute is establishing the Texas Geotechnical Engineer of the Year (TGEY) and the Texas Young (i.e., younger than 35 years of age) Geotechnical Engineer of the Year (TYGEY) awards. These two awards aim to recognize outstanding contributions to the professional practice or research of Geotechnical Engineering in the State of Texas via the following activities:

• Development of new materials, technologies, and innovative methods for project delivery.

• Leadership in the development and updating of codes, standards, and guidelines.

• Promotion of the Geoprofession through research, educational or professional activities.


• An active ASCE member or associate member.

• An active member of G-I Texas chapter.

• The nominee for TGEY must have held an active Texas PE license for at least one year prior to the nomination and be in good standing.

• TYGEY nominees must be 35 years of age or younger by December of the year prior to the nomination year (ex – Dec. 2024 for 2025 nominations).


• Each nomination should include the official nomination form (below), a nomination letter to articulate the major contributions of the nominee, the resume of the nominee, and two (2) support letters from someone who can attest the significance of the contribution of the nominee.

Note: the nomination documents need to be organized according to the above order and compiled into a single PDF file before submission.

• The awards will be given in recognition of outstanding contribution in geotechnical engineering, including, but not limited to, site investigations, soil improvement, retaining structures, shallow/deep foundations, buried structures, slopes and embankments, scour, geomaterials or pavements. The award particularly recognizes nominees who creatively solve challenging geotechnical problems in complicated settings.

• One award will be given annually for the TGEY and TYGEY. If no qualified individuals are nominated, the committee reserves the right not to give an award a particular year. Each awardee will receive a certificate and a plaque in recognition.

• The award will be selected by a panel of senior professional engineers based on the approved criteria (attached). The panel will consist of 5 members from academia and industry, who are appointed annually by the TxGI Conference Committee. After the committee selection, the Chair of Texas GI section will approve the award. Awards will be announced by March 31.

Selection Criteria

1. Education 10% - Include undergraduate and advanced degrees (give date, major, institution and its location for each)

2. Professional & Technical Society Activities (National, State and Chapter levels) 15% - list offices held, committee assignments, awards at each level, and other professional activities (indicate time spent on furthering the engineering profession)

3. Engineering Achievements 45% - include current position (title, company, or institution), responsibilities (number of subordinates, annual budget), accountability (position, function, nature of challenge), and up to 10 projects of eminent engineering, giving name of project, statement of significance, your responsibility and the dates. Include dates of previous employment, employer/location, description of duties

4. Contribution of Geotechnical Professionalism 10% - list any honors and/or awards you received (technical, professional, governmental, educational and civic)

5. Publications, Papers, Presentations & Patents (Technical & Non-technical) 10% - list dates, title, authors, publications, papers published (give article, journal and date), presentations made & patents held

6. Civic, Humanitarian & Social Activities 10% - your service to the community and for the benefit of the humankind. List offices held and committee assignments. Also list support of unusual or interesting activities, such as the arts, sports, etc.

Nominee Information

Applicant Name(Required)
Nominee's Full Name (including credentials such as ASCE membership grade)
(required for TYGEY only)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please include the license state, license number, and year.
Please upload one PDF file with a nomination letter to articulate the major contributions of the nominee, the resume of the nominee, and two (2) support letters from someone who can attest the significance of the contribution of the nominee. Please limit the resume to two pages max.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Nominator Information

Nominee's Full Name (including credentials such as ASCE membership grade)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.