Region 6 Director’s Report
December 2020
by Jerry B. Paz PE, ENV SP, M.ASCE (Region 6 Director)
This has been a year few of us will likely ever forget. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, but as an organization, we were quick to pivot to virtual platforms and digital communication so that our essential ASCE work could continue. Our October Board virtual meeting went off without a hitch, and we had a very productive week. First and foremost, the board voted to approve the proposed update to the ASCE Code of Ethics. The Region 6 Board of Governor’s was on record opposing the change, however, majority of the Board were in favor of the changes—Learn more about the new code in ASCE News. The board also voted to approve on second reading a proposed amendment to the ASCE Constitution that would give voting rights to student members. The amendment goes before the membership for a vote in the 2021 Society election—Learn more about other Board decisions in ASCE News.
Highlights from the Board Meeting:
- After considering extensive feedback from current Life Members, the board voted last week to rescind its July decision to change Life Member criteria and fees. As a result, the terms, criteria, and dues structure for Life Membership will remain exactly as they have been in recent years.
- The board voted to officially establish the Government Engineers Council as a standing board committee effective January 2021 for a three-year period. The move finalizes a process begun last January when the Board approved the creation of the GEC—Read more in ASCE News.
- The board received updates on the digital strategy project, which includes the forthcoming launch of the Civil Engineering Source news and information website and AI-driven newsletter, and a draft Region 10 strategic plan.
- The Board Strategic Advisory Council delivered updates on its 2020 strategic priorities, and the board voted to approve the proposed 2021 strategic priorities, which include the budget, member value and engagement, as well as eight other focus areas.
- In an ongoing push to identify and develop new revenue streams, the board received a final report from the Task Committee on Implementing Revenue Generation. The project will continue under the watch of the Program and Finance Committee.
The first Board Meeting of 2021 is scheduled for January 16-17, 2021.
To share your views or provide ideas on how ASCE can better serve its members and the profession, please email Jerry Paz at [email protected].