Leadership Development Weekend 2023

November 2023

Kimberly K. Cornett, PE, CFM, F. ASCE, ASCE Texas Section President Elect and Regional Stormwater Manager for North Texas LAN hosted the ASCE Leadership Development Weekend in San Antonio, Texas on the UTSA campus on July 21-23, 2023.

The annual ASCE Leadership Development Weekend is hosted by the current President Elect each year to connect the Texas Section leaders with the branch leaders along with providing continued leadership skills. The weekend started with the ASCE Texas Section President Chicken N Pickle. The evening hosted great fun with snacks, drinks, and some pickleball action.  

On Saturday morning, the room hosted 45 professional and 5 student attendees. The event kicked off with relationship building exercises and was packed with sessions on leadership to include Personal Visioning, Engineering Your Mind, etc. The afternoon starts with a K-12 STEM presentation and event to engage the leaders in available resources and activities. 

The day ended with a Margarita and Salsa Challenge for the attendees to try their skills at making Outstanding margaritas and salsa for the judges and others to enjoy. 

The event concluded on Sunday morning with additional sessions on Managing Burnout and coordinating the transition of the current Section officers and committee chairs to their predecessors. 

Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
2024 ASCE Texas Section President