Installation of 2024 Officers for ASCE Texas Section

October 2023


ASCE Texas Section President Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE

The ASCE Texas Section proudly announces the recent installation of the 2024 ASCE Texas Section Officers who serve as the Section’s Executive Committee. The leadership team was installed at the Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON) in September 2023. The Texas Section community is extremely fortunate to have a group of members who are dedicated to guiding the Texas Section. Officer terms run from October 2023 – September 2024.

A quick introduction from President Kimberly Cornett,

“The mission of ASCE Texas Section is to advance civil engineering by protecting the public health, safety, and welfare; delivering value to our members; and creating a legacy of service. This year’s leaders truly embody this mission. We are excited to welcome our new Section Officers who will help us accomplish our goals as detailed in the current 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. I look forward to working with them to reenergize the presence of engineers in the classrooms by supporting and promoting K-12 STEM outreach programs (Strategic Plan 5.1.2) creating our presence in the education community, kicking off our 2025 Infrastructure Report Card (Strategic Plan 5.3.1) which is one of the ASCE most effective tools for elected officials and the community, and continue to focus on Section/Branch relations (Strategic Plan 5.3.2) to promote upward momentum in both ASCE and in the career of the ASCE Texas Section members.

It is an honor to serve you and our section this year”

ASCE Texas Section Executive Committee:
President – Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE (LAN)
Past President – Travis N. Attanasio PE (City of Burleson)
President Elect – Mark Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE (LCA)
Vice President Educational – Julia P. Clarke PE (Raba Kistner)
Vice President Educational Elect – Genest Landry PE, PMP (Toole Design Group)
Vice President Professional – Andres A. Salazar PhD, PE (Walter P Morre)
Vice President Professional Elect – Julie Jones PE (Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers)
Vice President Technical – Christopher J. Nance PE, ENV SP (Parkhill)
Vice President Technical Elect – Mark Mann PE (TxDOT)
Treasurer – Glenn Goldstein PE (RS&H)
Senior Director at Large – Rebecca L. Rice PE (Terracon)

The Executive Committee is part of the full ASCE Texas Section Board of Direction. Members include three additional Directors at Large (younger members) and 15 Section Directors (local Branch representatives):

  • Second Year Director at Large – Victor Murillo PE
  • First Year Directors at Large – Adam Eaton PE, CFM, ENV SP
  • First Year Directors at Large – Angie Fealy PE

Section Directors (local Branch representatives)

  • Austin Branch – Austin Messerli PE
  • Brazos Branch – *
  • Caprock Branch – *
  • Central Texas – Jacob Hinson PE
  • Corpus Christi Branch – Joe W. Alvarez
  • Dallas Branch – *
  • El Paso Branch – *
  • Fort Worth Branch – Andrea Taylor PE
  • High Plains Branch – Rodolfo O. Mireles PE
  • Houston Branch – Sarah N. Alvarez PE
  • Northeast Texas Branch – David D. Stanley PE
  • Rio Grande Valley Branch – *
  • San Antonio Branch – Amy C. Stone PE
  • Southeast Texas Branch – Liv M. Haselbach PhD, PE
  • West Texas Branch – vacant

* Waiting for update from local branches

Learn more about these leaders and all the Texas Section committee leaders here.

Incoming President Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE receiving the President’s Special Recognition award, bestowed upon an individual or group for making special contributions to the Texas Section. 

Read updates from ASCE Texas Section 2024 President Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE here.