Final Region 6 Report from Outgoing Director Nancy Cline PE

By Nancy Cline PE

The Region 6 Board of Governors met at the annual Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON) in San Marcos in September. In this meeting, the Board of Governors discussed how we are once again providing grant opportunities to Branches and the Section for programs encouraging younger member or student member transition to full ASCE membership. The Board initially awarded money to premier the Dream Big movie and saw successful engagement from that project. We are excited about the programs branches have been able to hold with these funds.  If your Branch is interested, please contact Tim Newton PE

In addition, the Region 6 Board of Governors is looking forward to seeing ASCE President-Elect and Texas Section member Jean-Louis Briaud PhD, PE, D.GE, DIST.M.ASCE begin his presidential term in another year.

I was proud to represent Region 6 in October for my last Board Meeting as Region 6 Director at the Annual ASCE Convention and Board Meeting in Miami.  The Region 6 Board looked at the following items at the October meeting under outgoing 2018-19 President Robin Kemper PE, LEED AP, ENV SP, F.SEI, F.ASCE:

Highlights from the Board Meeting

  1. The Board voted to approve a new Society-wide digital strategy project, which will help create an improved user experience that makes connecting with ASCE resources, programs and members easier than ever.
  2. The Board received a membership update, specifically outlining ASCE’s new Forward Faster campaign to help attract and retain members. The Forward Faster campaign, emphasizing “how ASCE is your direct path to the future of civil engineering,” is an exciting start.
  3. The Board also heard an update on Future World Vision. The Floating City virtual reality proof-of-concept was very well-received in Miami, and we’re excited about the project’s direction heading into 2020.
  4. Having charged ASCE executive staff at the July meeting to bring a three-year balanced budget plan to the October meeting for review, the Board received the new three-year plan and showed its support with an informal vote of approval. 
  5. The Board received an update on ASCE’s progress on the Grand Challenge, including new recommendations from the Industry Leaders Council that have been referred to ASCE Organizational Entities.

Other items discussed include whether Affiliate Members should have voting rights and possible consideration of Student Member voting.  The Board also talked about how to work closely with the Institutes since ASCE is stronger together than fractured apart. 

In addition, incoming 2019-2020 ASCE President “Guna” Gunalan PhD, PE, D.GE, F.ASCE was sworn in at the Miami meeting.  Guna lived in Lubbock, Texas for over 20 years early in his career.  

If you have any questions about the items discussed above, please don’t hesitate to call me at (972) 898-4668.

It has been my honor to have served as your Region 6 Director. I have enjoyed being active in ASCE for over 30 years and greatly value the opportunities I have encountered and friends I have made. As my three-year term as Region 6 Director has come to an end, please welcome Jerry B. Paz PE, ENV SP, M.ASCE, to that role and wish Jerry the best. He is a great advocate for civil engineering.

What is next for me?  Two things…. 

  1. I am running for State Representative for the House District 65 (a portion of Denton County).  After serving 14 years on the CFBISD School Board and over 30 years in civil engineering, and with my youngest graduating from Texas A&M, this is a great time for me to run for election. If you are interested in volunteering to help an engineer get elected, my website is
  2. I will be scheduling speakers for the ASCE Dallas Branch meetings for the next year.  If you have suggestions, please let me know.  

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the Region 6 Director!  As Jean-Louis Briaud says, we are truly family.  

Nancy Cline

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