A message from ASCE Texas Section President Travis N. Attanasio PE, CFM
February 2023

ASCE Texas Section President 2022-2023
Miles & Miles of Texas
The Stars at night are big and bright….you sang the rest in your head didn’t you? Greetings from the ASCE Texas Section President.
It’s been an exciting few months for the ASCE Texas Section. The Section was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Section and Branch Award and the 2022 Outstanding Section and Branch Website Award, both in the Very Large Section/Branch category. In addition, the Dallas Branch won the same awards in the Medium Section/Branch category.
Planning continues on our signature events:
March 1-3, 2023 – ASCE National Legislative Fly-In (Washington, DC) – As of the writing of this message, there are 17 attendees that will be at this in-person event.
April 3-4, 2023 – ASCE Texas Section Legislative Drive-In (Austin, Texas) – The drive-in is slightly changing formats this year and will feature a Monday evening reception, ASCE Government Relations University training, and individual meetings with your State Senators and Representatives or their staff.
April 12-15, 2023 – ASCE Region 6 Student Symposium (Amarillo/Canyon, TX)hosted by West Texas A&M University and Texas Tech University. The student symposium heads west this year to a first-time host location. Come volunteer to be a judge at the Steel Bridge or Concrete Canoe competitions, attend student and professional sessions, or hire your next Engineering Star from the career fair!
July 21-23, 2023 – Leadership Development Weekend (San Antonio, TX) – President Elect Kimberly Cornett hosts current and future leaders of the ASCE Texas Section in the Alamo City, where she started her ASCE journey. A full weekend of trainings, interactions, team challenges, and comradery awaits.
September 20-22, 2023 – CECON 2023, “The Future is Now” (San Marcos, TX) – ASCE Texas Section’s premiere event returns to San Marcos after a record-breaking attendance year in Frisco. CECON features professional development presentations, invigorating keynote speakers, the latest in innovations in the exhibit hall, many networking opportunities, and the annual awards banquet, which is a chance to honor some of our most distinguished members.
The ASCE Texas Section puts these events on for the Members of the Texas Section as a way to show how ASCE works for you! These events would not be possible without the financial support of the Texas Section and Local Branch dues, so be sure to include those when you are renewing your membership each year! And with I wrap up this President’s message and say Happy Trails to You as you visit the Miles and Miles of Texas (I got you singing again, didn’t I?)
Travis N. Attanasio PE, CFM, M.ASCE
2023 ASCE Texas Section President