A message from ASCE Texas Section President Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
December 2023

ASCE Texas Section President 2023-2024
Season’s Greetings: A Message of Unity, Joy, and Hope from the President Kimberly Cornett
As the days have gotten shorter and the weather cooler, I start to really get in the holiday mood. We have already had the big day to be Thankful, watch football, see loved ones, and eat lots of food and treats. It is always fun to see how everyone cooks their turkey each year. Some will roast them, some fry, some smoke them, some stuff them, and some folks don’t like turkey at all. As civil engineers, I imagine safety was on everyone’s daily list.

Here we are in December, so let the good times roll with more holidays to celebrate. As we meet with friends and family to celebrate, we should note how lucky we are and enjoy the special opportunities presented each time we see someone we haven’t seen in a while, shake a hand, receive a hug, or simply receive a smile
As we begin to celebrate the holidays in our own way, I would encourage you to remember the ASCE Texas Section vision: “Texas civil engineers are leaders in their communities, building a better quality of life across the street and around the world”. This holiday season, get out into your community and share your time volunteering when you can. Smile at someone in the store when you pass by or simply hold a door open. Let’s not forget those who turn to the local food banks and community organizations, especially during the holidays, and give our support to these organizations in any way we can. The little things can mean so much this time of year.
Thank you,
Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
2024 ASCE Texas Section President