Become a Leader
Our 30-member Board of Direction is our governing body. All Board members are responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the Texas Section. They manage the affairs of the Texas Section in accordance with the provisions in our Constitution and Bylaws. Our President is responsible leading our team and setting specific goals each year. Each Board member elected and appointed to a position of service references our Rules of Operation for applicable procedures, assignments, and schedules.
We like to think of Board members as our Project Directors – they are responsible for overseeing the work of our Committees and subsidiary organizations, strategic planning, budget and financial resources, and communicating with the Region. To do this, they attend in-person meetings during CECON and the Student Symposium, complete assigned tasks, and provide Committees with advice as well as approve Committee goals. We also ask that they nominate Committees and Committee Chairs or Co-Chairs for applicable awards.
Most of our Board members are elected annually. There are a few exceptions: Our President Elect and Vice President Elects automatically assume the Presidential and Vice-Presidential positions, respectively, after their first year of service. Section Directors, Directors at Large and our Treasurer server 2-year terms. Our Nominating Committee works with local Branches to fill the ballot each year. If you are interested in any of these positions, please discuss your interest with your local Branch President and Section Director.