Government Civil Engineer Award

This award is conferred upon a subscribing member of the Texas Section, employed by a governmental organization, for meritorious service to the Texas Section and one or more of the Section’s Branches.

2023 Government Civil Engineer Award Recipient

Joe Alvarez | Corpus Christi Branch

Joe is a Project Manager for the Corpus Christi District of TxDOT.  He is experienced and well-versed in project review and the development permitting process and has worked closely and successfully with city development services, county review staff, environmental groups, public boards, and councils. Within his short 5 ½ years at TxDOT, Joe has become vital to ensuring utilities are cleared from district work limits.

Joe began involvement in ASCE in 2005 as a building team member of the national qualifying steel bridge team of Texas A&M University-Kingsville, where he also served as president of the Student Chapter.

Since then, he has served the Texas Section as Younger Members Committee Chair for a number of years. For the Younger Members events at CECON and Student Symposium, Joe has achieved nearly flawless attendee events every time. At the 2023 Region 6 Student Symposium Joe was able to find an amazingly unique and fun venue in Amarillo, which is not an easy feat.

In the mid-2010s, Joe served as membership and younger member chairman at the Branch level. Followed by the Chair of the newly formed STEM Committee of the Texas Section

and still serves as a member of that committee. Currently, he serves as Section Director of the Corpus Christi Branch, remains active as a Student Symposium Judge, and is serving in his 9th year as a member of the CECON Gala Planning Committee.

Joe will continue to lead the Section next year in his new role as Texas Construction Institute Chapter Co-Chair.

Professional Service to Students Award

The Texas Section established this award in 1999. This award is conferred upon a subscribing member of the Texas Section for meritorious service to the Texas Section through service to one or more of the ASCE Student Chapters in Texas and/or service during the Regional Student Conference.

2023 Professional Service to Students Award Recipient

Mark Mann PE | Southeast Texas Branch

Mark has done an amazing job of supporting the ASCE Student Chapter of Lamar University over several years. He helped with the steel bridge team that went to nationals in 2018 and helped with trying to reactivate the concrete canoe group at Lamar University. During the pandemic, he kept the canoe team active, allowing work in his own garage when the campus laboratories were closed. He has spent numerous hours through the years serving as a practitioner advisor, a voice for education, aiding the students through academics, and mentoring them as active members of the ASCE community.

Mark is the Director of Engineering Services at Sabine River Authority Texas, with more than 20 years of experience in water and wastewater treatment facilities, pump station facilities, water and sanitary sewer utilities, roadway design, drainage, and bridge inspection. Mark is currently the VP for Technical Affairs Elect for the Texas Section.

History & Heritage Awards

This award is presented to an individual or Branch for making special contributions to recording and/or recognizing the history and heritage of civil engineering in Texas. 

2023 History & Heritage Award Recipient

Anne Cook, MLIS

Anne has been the Photo Librarian at TxDOT since 1989. In this role, she is a reference librarian, cataloger, archivist, preservation officer, and file clerk rolled into one. She not only manages the three main photo collections (35mm slides, 4×5 color transparencies, and black-and-white photos), the library has grown to include photo albums, an extensive archive of prints and negatives, a collection of department publications, and a current digital photo collection, all housed in two state-of-the-art rooms. With a Master of Library and Information Science and a Bachelor in 20th Century Media and the Arts from the University of Texas, Anne began her career before TxDOT as the librarian in the National Register Department at the Texas Historical Commission, then the Media Center Librarian at Huston-Tillotson University.

Professional Service Award

This award is conferred upon subscribing members of the Texas Section for meritorious service to the Texas Section and to one or more of the Section’s Branches.

2023 Professional Service Award Recipient

Julie Jones PE, CFM | Dallas Branch

Julie is the Director of Water Resources at Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers in Dallas. She received both her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Civil Engineering from the University of Arkansas, where she began her ASCE involvement, serving as Student Chapter President. Since then, she has been active in many roles at the Branch level.

As a dedicated ASCE leader, in the Dallas Branch, Julie has served as President, Vice President, Past-President Chair, Girl Scouts Champion, Engineers Without Borders Liaison, Texas Section Director, Branch Director, and Program Chair.

Julie also works to develop relationships between professional organizations within Dallas and Nationwide, coordinating matters of mutual concern. Julie is currently the VP for Professional Affairs Elect for the Texas Section

Service to the People Award

The Service to People Award is presented to an engineer, not necessarily a member of the Texas Section, who has distinguished themself with special service to people. The award recognizes engineers who bring credit to the profession through community activities that are visible to the public.

2023 Service to the People Award Recipient

Kathleen Jackson PE

Commissioner Jackson is the Interim Chair of the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Since joining the PUCT in 2022, Jackson has spearheaded efforts to improve the energy efficiency of the State’s electric grid. She previously served as a Board Member of the Texas Water Development Board, first appointed in 2014 and reappointed in 2017. In August 2021, she was appointed to the State’s Environmental Flows Advisory Group.

Jackson received a bachelor’s degree in engineering from North Carolina State University. A registered professional engineer, Jackson has also served as a public affairs manager for one of the world’s largest petroleum and petrochemical producers.

During her service at the Texas Water Development Board, Ms Jackson was an active partner with ASCE Texas Section. After speaking at CECON 2015, she helped develop the TWDB’s Asset Management Program for Small Systems initiative, which has helped dozens of smaller municipal water systems begin to manage planned improvements to their systems. She has presented at dozens of ASCE Branch meetings across Texas and is a regular participant at CECON. Having just moderated the Public Works Panel earlier today.

Her tireless public service to the citizens of Texas has helped communities continue to provide safe drinking water and we look forward to continuing to work with her to strengthen our electric grid in Texas.

John A. Focht Jr. Citizen Engineer Award

This award was established by the Texas Section in 1990 to recognize the outstanding and continued dedication of a member through their leadership and service to the community, thereby becoming a better citizen engineer.

2023 John A. Focht Jr. Citizen Engineer Award Recipient

Patricia Frayre PE | Houston Branch

Patricia founded Frayre Engineering & Consulting and has more than 28 years of experience in the industry. Her experience includes high-profile and standard site development projects and varying public works infrastructure projects.

Her experience includes multi-phase parks and green space construction, street reconstruction, new roadways, pedestrian realm improvements on transit corridors, shared-use pedestrian and bicycle trails, stormwater drainage improvements, disaster recovery support services, and water main and wastewater collection system improvements.

Patricia is a contributing member of several organizations, including ASCE, TSPE, Greens Bayou

Corridor Coalition, Houston Hispanic Architects and Engineers, TPWA, Scenic Houston, and the World Affairs Council of Houston. Her service to ASCE is just as varied, including the Infrastructure and Research Policy Committee, a Region 6 Governor, Texas Section VP for Professional Affairs, chaired the Section Nominating Process Review Committee, and a contributor to the 2021 Texas Infrastructure Report Card and the Texas Section’s Beyond Storm Network Infrastructure Resilience Task Committee, currently serving as the chairperson of the CECON Site Selection Task Committee.

Award of Honor

The Texas Section established the Award of Honor to present to a limited number of members. It recognizes service to the Texas Section and outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering.

2023 Award of Honor Recipient

Augustine Verrengia III PE | Austin Branch

Augustine is the Civil Market Leader at WGI. He graduated from the University of Texas – San Antonio, specializing in Civil and Environmental Engineering. In his current, he plays a pivotal role in overseeing and coordinating complex land development projects. His portfolio includes a diverse range of large-scale commercial, residential, and mixed-use developments. With capabilities that allow him to work on projects ranging from high-rise towers within Austin’s urban core to master-planned communities in the Texas Hill Country.

Augustine has an unwavering commitment to advancing civil engineering, consistently demonstrating exceptional leadership, technical expertise, and a profound dedication to improving the infrastructure in Texas. His achievements and impactful projects have left an indelible mark on the industry and have significantly contributed to the growth and development of civil engineering in our region.

Throughout his career, Augustine has served as a mentor and inspiration to countless professionals, from those just starting out to the more seasoned. He has played an instrumental role in shaping the careers of numerous individuals by nurturing their talents and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement among his peers. Augustine’s ability to lead by example and his passion for guiding the next generation will continue to leave a lasting impact on the profession.

Augustine’s dedication to infrastructure advocacy is a notable accomplishment within his career. Through his participation in ASCE at the National, State, and Branch levels, Augustine has actively participated in initiatives aimed at raising awareness about critical infrastructure issues. He participated in the production and communication of the 2021 Texas Infrastructure Report Card as a vital tool for legislators and decision-makers. Augustine has played a key role in organizing State legislative Drive-In events, presenting testimonies in legislative committee hearings, and producing technical reports following natural disasters.

Augustine led these efforts as the Texas Section Government Affairs Committee Chair and most recently as the Texas Section VP for Professional Affairs.

Award of Honor

The Texas Section established the Award of Honor to present to a limited number of members. It recognizes service to the Texas Section and outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering.

2023 Award of Honor Recipient

Russell “Rusty” Gibson PE | Northeast Texas Branch

In 2020, Rusty was beginning his involvement in the ASCE Texas Section, serving on several committees, and starting his role as VP for the Section at the time of his unexpected passing. We posthumously honor his dedication to the profession.

Not only was Rusty a rising star in the ranks of ASCE, he was highly involved in the Texas Council of Engineering Laboratories—TCEL, serving most recently as immediate Past President. He also collaborated with ASCE through the Geotechnical industry as a young engineer, building many professional relationships.

Rusty served ASCE at the Northeast Texas Branch at all officer levels. He served as the Branch Section Director, then was immediately elected to Texas Section VP for Education Affairs Elect.

Rusty brought much energy to the Branch and carried it to the Texas Section. His willingness to volunteer, wherever needed, demonstrated his professionalism and dedication to civil engineering.

Rusty had been with ETTL Engineers & Consultants since 2009 and was a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. He received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University.

He grew up in Tatum, Texas where he was a fixture in the community as a volunteer known by all. He was highly involved with the youth sports programs in the community. He was full of new ideas and liked to persevere until things were accomplished.

Lifetime Service Award

The Lifetime Service Award is given to a limited number of subscribing members of the Texas Section for outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering, and for meritorious service to ASCE and the Texas Section.

2023 Lifetime Service Award Recipient

Bud Beene PE, F.ASCE | Dallas Branch

Bud received his Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University College Station and an MBA from Texas A&M Corpus Christi. He is a licensed Texas Professional Engineer and continues to work full-time as a Senior Project Manager for Parsons. His previous roles included Dallas County Engineer and leading the Light Rail projects at DART.

Bud has dedicated many, many years of service to the local Branches where he has lived, the Texas Section, and ASCE Global. He is a friend and “go-to” for many throughout this time. Bud served as Corpus Christi Branch President in the early 80s, then continued his service within the Dallas Branch as Branch Senior Director and Texas Section Director.

At the Section level, Bud served in various positions leading to Texas Section VP for Educational Affairs then Texas Section President in 2003. As Section President, he focused on reducing Section expenses and raising funds to establish a balance to serve as a safety net for the Section.

Bud continued his dedicated service to ASCE Global serving on several Society level Committees and the Board of District 15 Director (now known as Region 6), leading that reorganization as the founding Region 6 Governor. He served on the Program Committee, Chairing the Committee in 2008. In 2007, Bud represented ASCE at the Thomas Telford Celebrations in the UK and moderated a session on Telford’s historic projects across Great Britain.

Bud served as a Texas Civil Engineering Foundation trustee for many years and as President for 10 of those years. Bud received the ASCE Texas Section Award of Honor in 2008 and the Professional Service Award in 1998.

Bud attends nearly every Branch meeting of his local Branch and other Texas Section and National Society events, like the ASCE National Legislative Fly-In. He is a person who cares deeply about ASCE and responds in earnest whenever asked for advice.

Lifetime Service Award

The Lifetime Service Award is given to a limited number of subscribing members of the Texas Section for outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering, and for meritorious service to ASCE and the Texas Section.

2023 Lifetime Service Award Recipient

Martha Juch PE, CFM | Austin Branch

Martha is a Portfolio Project Manager in the TxDOT Center of Excellence, Professional Engineering Procurement Services Division. She retired from a water resources consulting career in 2014 and joined TxDOT in 2015 to pursue a second career in the Public Sector.

Martha has been involved in ASCE for over 40 years, starting as a student at Texas A&M University. She holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering from TAMU in Civil Engineering, and a Master of Science from Rice University in Environmental Engineering.

She served in numerous committee chair and officer positions at the Houston Branch and Texas Section, becoming the first female President of each in the 1990s. She was also the first female Region 6 Director on the ASCE Board of Direction in 2010-2013 and served on the ASCE Strategic Planning Committee, Energy Environment and Water Policy Committee, Program and Finance Committee, Infrastructure Report Card Advisory Committee, and Committee on Licensure. ASCE appointed Martha twice to serve as the liaison to the Federal Advisory Committee on Water Information, a federal advisory committee. She currently is a member of the ASCE Committee on Professional Conduct.

Martha has received numerous awards and recognitions from ASCE, including the Texas Section Government Civil Engineer Award, the Houston Branch Award of Honor, the Texas Section Award of Honor, the Texas Section Professional Service Award, the Texas Section Best of Session Technical Paper Award, and the first Zone III Citizen Engineer Award (now the John A Focht Jr. Citizen Engineer Award).

Lifetime Service Award

The Lifetime Service Award is given to a limited number of subscribing members of the Texas Section for outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering, and for meritorious service to ASCE and the Texas Section.

2023 Lifetime Service Award Recipient

David Matocha | Austin Branch

David Matocha earned his Bachelor of Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, working as Senior Technical Services Manager at Rinker Materials. He has been very active in the Texas Section and his local Austin Branch. His most notable achievement is the vision and inspiration for the Texas Civil Engineering Conference, which he co-championed in the first several iterations of what is now the Texas Section’s flagship annual event. It was David’s vision for engineers to bring their families to the event to relax, eat, and enjoy the fellowship of other engineers without needing to bring their wallets.

David Matocha has been a constant presence and leader for the ASCE Austin Branch and Texas Section since the mid-1990s. When David joined ASCE, the Austin branch was characterized as a Small Branch with a couple dozen people attending regular events with little financial resources. After his two terms as president, the Austin Branch was awarded the ASCE Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Large Branch, a testament to the growth in membership and member participation under his leadership.

The Austin Branch is currently organizing an upcoming scholarship fund and annual event to support the fund’s growth which David helped lay the foundation for. The current Austin Board leans on David from time to time to understand the Branch’s history, past successes and challenges, and ideas for events to promote the civil engineering profession. Recently, David identified an unmet need for more professional-student-faculty interaction at UT Austin, which the Branch is now exploring to increase interest and awareness of the ASCE scholarships awarded annually to civil engineering students.

David has remained an enduring contributor to ASCE for almost 30 years. He is not just a participant; he truly understands the value of civil engineers coming together to discuss issues and needs important to the profession through technical and non-technical events.

Lifetime Service Award

The Lifetime Service Award is given to a limited number of subscribing members of the Texas Section for outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering, and for meritorious service to ASCE and the Texas Section.

2023 Lifetime Service Award Recipient

Tim Newton PE | Houston Branch

Tim Newton graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with honors, earning a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He now has 46 years of experience in engineering consulting focused on the planning, design, and construction of highway infrastructure, with an emphasis on complex highway and bridge design projects. He has 11 years of experience in the public sector, including the Director of District Design at TxDOT, where he was responsible for 160 engineers and technicians. He retired from consulting and now works for the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service. He also works part-time for Quiddity Engineering.

Throughout this time, Tim has stayed involved with ASCE at the Branch, Section, and Society level. As an ASCE Region 6 Governor, he has managed the Region 6 Grant Program making funding available to Student Chapters, Branches, and Sections in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Mexico. Tim also serves as a Trustee for the Texas Civil Engineering Foundation.

As an active member and leader in ASCE since 1984, and a Life Member since 2019, Tim served the Houston Branch on various committees and Board positions, culminating as Branch President. A favorite position was Public Relations Committee Chair, which included two TV interviews on infrastructure funding.

Tim served as Texas Section 101st President, during the Section’s 100th anniversary Celebration. He also led the 2008 Texas Infrastructure Report Card efforts. Tim has received the Houston Branch Award of Honor, the ASCE Texas Section Professional Service Award, and the John A. Focht Jr. Citizen Engineer Award.

He has been active in ASCE Global events, including the OPAL awards, Multi-Region Leadership Conferences, Governor Forums, Global & National Conferences, and National Legislative Fly-in’s.

Lifetime Service Award

The Lifetime Service Award is given to a limited number of subscribing members of the Texas Section for outstanding professional achievement in civil engineering, and for meritorious service to ASCE and the Texas Section.

2023 Lifetime Service Award Recipient

Ken Rainwater PhD, PE, CFM, D.WRE | Caprock Branch

After 37 years in academia, Ken Rainwater retired in August 2022, recognized as Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering at Texas Tech University. He received his Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Rice University, then a Master’s and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

Ken led industry research in problems of groundwater quantity and quality, remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, and water resources management, which was funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Reclamation, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, and Texas Water Development Board.

He was honored with several teaching awards at Texas Tech, including the Abell Faculty Teaching Award and the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award; as well as the Whitacre College of Engineering Researcher of the Year in 2010.

With more than 40 years of service to ASCE, Ken has served various roles in the Texas Section of ASCE, including Vice President for Education Affairs and President. He served as a Region 6 Governor and is the past chair of the Committee on Student Members, handling them all with grace and large amounts of patience. As a professor, he served as an ASCE Student Chapter faculty advisor, working closely with his students, and encouraging many of them to be active in ASCE. Ken has received the ASCE Faculty Advisor Award, ASCE Texas Section Award of Honor, and Professional Service to Students Award.