Government Affairs

Infrastructure Report Card

Infrastructure is a critical issue impacting Texas’s economy, society, security and future. That’s why approximately every four years, we develop a report card depicting the condition and performance of Texas’s infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report card – assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.

The report card is one of our key projects. It serves an important role in raising public awareness and providing elected officials the necessary tools to support infrastructure funding. As civil engineers in the state of Texas, we have a responsibility to safeguard the life, health, and welfare of the public. We believe part of this responsibility includes providing the public and our elected leaders with critical information about the current state of our infrastructure.

On February 10, 2021, ASCE Texas Section held a virtual news conference to announce the 2021 Texas infrastructure grades. Watch the IRC release news conference.

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As a Key Contact you will receive:

  • This Week in Washington (TWIW) – this email will keep you updated on current state and federal legislative action and other tools and resources available to you.
  • Key Alerts – key alerts will ask you to take action on specific issues in support of ASCE’s priorities. It only takes a few minutes to hit send on a pre-drafted email, personal email, or pick up the phone and call your legislator. They want to hear from you and we try to make communicating with them as easy as possible.

ASCE’s StateTrack Legislative Tracking Service

The Texas StateTrack page is complete with the latest information on bills and regulatory items that ASCE is tracking for Texas. Use this link to stay up-to-date with activity at the state capitol and share the link with other ASCE members.