Texas Section Leadership

Meet Our Leadership Team

Without the efforts of our hardworking volunteers, our programs and events wouldn’t happen. Meet the incredible members who work behind the scenes to ensure Texas civil engineers are leaders in their communities:
  • Mark K. Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM
    Mark K. Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM
  • Russell R. Carter PE
    Russell R. Carter PE
    President Elect
  • Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
    Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
    Past President
    Phone: 210-710-5795
  • Genest Landry PE, PMP
    Genest Landry PE, PMP
    Vice-President for Educational Affairs
  • Julie Jones PE, CFM
    Julie Jones PE, CFM
    Vice-President for Professional Affairs
  • Mark Mann PE
    Mark Mann PE
    Vice-President for Technical Affairs
  • Angie Fealy PE
    Angie Fealy PE
    Senior Director at Large
  • Joe Alvarez
    Joe Alvarez
    Vice-President for Educational Affairs Elect
    Phone: 361-661-7069
  • Michael Bloom, P.E., AICP, ENV SP, CFM
    Michael Bloom, P.E., AICP, ENV SP, CFM
    Vice-President for Professional Affairs Elect
    Phone: 915-533-6811
  • Patricia Fayre PE
    Patricia Fayre PE
    Vice-President for Technical Affairs Elect
  • Anna Olveda-Leija
    Anna Olveda-Leija
  • Jenni Peters, CAE
    Jenni Peters, CAE
    Executive Director (Ex Officio)
    Phone: 512-910-2272
  • Mike Sosa
    Mike Sosa
    Secretary (Ex Officio)
    Phone: 512-472-8905

The Board of Direction includes all Executive Committee Members and the following individuals:

Assistant Treasurer

  • OPEN
    Assistant Treasurer


Directors at Large

  • Angie Fealy PE
    Angie Fealy PE
    Senior Director at Large
  • Adam Eaton PE, CFM, ENV SP
    Adam Eaton PE, CFM, ENV SP
    Second Year Director at Large
  • Colton Gill PE
    Colton Gill PE
    First Year Director at Large
  • Siang ( Sunny) Zhou
    Siang ( Sunny) Zhou
    First Year Director at Large


Section Directors

  • Katherine Smith PE
    Katherine Smith PE
    Austin Branch Section Director
  • Robert Lys Jr. PE
    Robert Lys Jr. PE
    Brazos Branch Section Director
    Phone: 281-931-9832
  • Jacob Hinson PE
    Jacob Hinson PE
    Central Texas Branch Section Director
  • Victor Murillo PE
    Victor Murillo PE
    Corpus Christi Branch Section Director
  • Nancy S. Cline PE
    Nancy S. Cline PE
    Dallas Branch Section Director
  • Marvin Gomez PE
    Marvin Gomez PE
    El Paso Branch Section Director
    Phone: 915-313-3680
  • Andrea Taylor PE
    Andrea Taylor PE
    Fort Worth Branch Section Director
    Phone: 817-469-1671
  • Mahsa Arastoo PE
    Mahsa Arastoo PE
    Houston Branch Section Director
  • David D. Stanley PE
    David D. Stanley PE
    Northeast Texas Branch Section Director
    Phone: 903-553-0500
  • Edwin Manrique EIT
    Edwin Manrique EIT
    Rio Grande Valley Branch Section Director
  • Mike Bratten PE
    Mike Bratten PE
    San Antonio Branch Section Director
  • Liv M. Haselbach PhD, PE
    Liv M. Haselbach PhD, PE
    Southeast Texas Branch Section Director
    Phone: 409-880-7740
  • OPEN
    Western Texas Branch Section Director
  • Mark Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM
    Mark Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM
    Office and Personal Committee Chair
  • Patrick M. Beecher PE
    Patrick M. Beecher PE
    Past Presidents Council Committee Chair
  • Susan K. Roth PE, PMP
    Susan K. Roth PE, PMP
    Nominating Committee Chair
  • Travis Barnett PE
    Travis Barnett PE
    Branch/Section Relations Committee Co-Chair
  • Patrick J. Williams PE
    Patrick J. Williams PE
    Branch/Section Relations Committee Chair
  • Carlos Balderrama PE
    Carlos Balderrama PE
    CECON Planning Committee Co-Chair
  • Adam Eaton, PE, ENV SP, CFM
    Adam Eaton, PE, ENV SP, CFM
    Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair
    Phone: 361-205-1552
  • Michael P. Gurka PE
    Michael P. Gurka PE
    Honors Committee Chair
    Phone: 713-353-7288
  • Melinda Luna PE, CFM
    Melinda Luna PE, CFM
    History & Heritage Committee Chair
  • Brent McNeme PE
    Brent McNeme PE
    Membership Committee Co-Chair
  • Clint Hoover PE
    Clint Hoover PE
    Membership Committee Co-Chair
  • Sarah DeBerry PE
    Sarah DeBerry PE
    Strategic Planning Committee Chair
  • Nalah Williams EIT
    Nalah Williams EIT
    STEM Committee Chair
  • Eva Reynal PE
    Eva Reynal PE
    Student Activities Committee Chair
    Phone: 713-742-6170
  • Shannon Jungman PE
    Shannon Jungman PE
    Student Competition Coordinator
  • Paola Wagnon EIT
    Paola Wagnon EIT
    Diversity Equity & Inclusion Council Co-Chair
  • Kameron Boggan PE
    Kameron Boggan PE
    Diversity Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair
  • Elizabeth Livengood EIT
    Elizabeth Livengood EIT
    Younger Members Committee Co-Chair
  • Thomas Poulose PE
    Thomas Poulose PE
    Younger Members Committee Co-Chair
  • Austin Messerli PE
    Austin Messerli PE
    Texas Infrastructure Report Card Committee Co-Chair
  • Travis Attanasio PE
    Travis Attanasio PE
    Subject Matter Experts Bureau Co-Chair
    Phone: 972-996-5719
  • Griselda Gonzales PE, LEED AP, ENV SP
    Griselda Gonzales PE, LEED AP, ENV SP
    Texas Infrastructure Report Card Committee Co-Chair
    Phone: 210-838-1659
  • Joe W. Alvarez
    Joe W. Alvarez
    Construction Institute Chapter Co-Chair
    Phone: 361-661-7069
  • John Mudd PE
    John Mudd PE
    Construction Institute Chapter Chair
    Phone: (713) 338-8005
  • Curtis B. Beitel PE, CFM, ENV SP
    Curtis B. Beitel PE, CFM, ENV SP
    Environmental & Water Resources Institute Chapter Chair
  • Nick Dayal PE
    Nick Dayal PE
    Geotechnical Institute Chapter Chair
    Phone: 214-630-9745
  • OPEN
    Structural Engineering Institute Chapter Chair
    Phone: 512-975-7863
  • Surya Bhandari PE, M.ASCE
    Surya Bhandari PE, M.ASCE
    Transportation & Development Institute Chapter Chair
    Phone: 281-912-8115
  • Aimee Trawick PE
    Aimee Trawick PE
    Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Chapter Chair
  • Anna Olveda
    Anna Olveda
    Forensics Group Institute Chapter Chair
Mark K. Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM

With Stantec’s full support, Mark continues his dedicated service to ASCE, building on a distinguished record of leadership. He has chaired the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card Committee, serves on its current leadership committee, contributed to the Section’s Centennial Celebration, and progressed through five years of leadership roles on the Dallas Branch Board of Direction. His 40-year journey with ASCE began in 1984 as a member of the SMU ASCE student chapter.

A proud alumnus of SMU’s Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering, Mark credits his professors and peers with inspiring him to pursue a PhD in Civil/Environmental Engineering and to remain engaged in education. Since 2001, he has served as an adjunct faculty member at SMU, mentoring countless ASCE student members and aspiring engineers.

Born in Lahore, Pakistan and raised in the US and different countries in Latin America, Mark’s career spans hazardous materials remediation, environmental compliance, water resources, hydraulics and hydrology, and geo-environmental studies. At Stantec, he has contributed significantly to environmental initiatives like Dallas’s Brownfields Program through the Brownfields Asset Transformation Group. His expertise also extends to projects with the City of Dallas, the Texas Department of Transportation, and Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

Mark lives in Richardson, Texas, with his wife of 40 years, Monica Fatima, whose unwavering support inspires his success. He takes pride in his children: Natalie Nassim, a UNT faculty member and expert real estate instructor and realtor, and Stephen Hickel, an Eagle Scout, SMU economist, and finance professional. Outside of work, Mark enjoys traveling—often using his Spanish fluency—and cherishing time with his family.

Russell R. Carter PE
President Elect

Russell Carter is a professional engineer in the State of Texas focused on structural design and forensic engineering.  He graduated from Texas Tech University with bachelor’s degrees in architecture and civil engineering and his master’s degree in civil engineering. He has over 25 years of research, design, and construction experience.

Mr. Carter has worked for several regional architecture and engineering firms in West Texas.  He currently works for MWM Architects, Inc. and consults through Carter Consulting & Engineering, LLC.  He has been an Instructor for the Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering Department at Texas Tech University for over 12 years, often serving as the structural expert for the senior capstone design course.

Early in his career, Mr. Carter worked as a researcher and principal investigator with the Wind Engineering Research Center (WERC) at Texas Tech University designing and constructing laboratories and equipment to study debris impact and full-scale structural testing.  He led teams performing damage investigations of tornadoes and hurricanes as part of WERC and the Florida Costal Monitoring Program with Clemson University.  He was part of the design and development team for FEMA Publication 320, FEMA Publican 361, and International Code Council ICC-500 providing guidance for the design of storm shelters.

Mr. Carter is very active with ASCE. He is the Practitioner Advisor to the ASCE Texas Tech Student Chapter. He has been the Caprock Branch President and Section Director.  For the Texas Section he has served as Vice President for Educational Affairs, Chair of the Student Activities Committee, and serves on numerous committees. At the ASCE Global level, he is on the Committee for Student Conferences and Competitions and the Timber Strong Design Build Committee.

Kimberly Cornett PE, CFM, F.ASCE
Past President

Kimberly K. Cornett, PE, F.ASCE, is the Regional Stormwater Manager for Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. (LAN).   She has more than 20 years of experience in the water resource infrastructure industry and handles all phases of a project from analysis to design.  She is responsible for connecting North Texas communities with innovative solutions for their stormwater requirements.

Ms. Cornett has been active in ASCE since 2002 and served the ASCE Texas Section in a variety of roles.  She has served as President of the San Antonio Branch and the Section Director for the Fort Worth Branch. She was the recipient of the Texas Section Professional Service Award in 2018.

During her career and time with ASCE, she has been actively involved in STEM-related activities engaging students to get involved with engineering. She has presented the Hydrologic cycle and the water/wastewater cycle to students from kindergarten to high school.   As a hydrology major, she recognizes how much society takes water resources for granted and believes it is important children understand at a young age that water is a privilege and not a gift.

Ms. Cornett graduated with Bachelor of Science in Hydrology and Water Resources from Tarleton State University and Master of Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her spouse, Cameron, and son, Kayden.  She is currently a University of Houston Cougar supporter, where her daughter, Taylor attends.  As a fun fact, she loves to sew in her spare time.

Genest Landry PE, PMP
Vice-President for Educational Affairs
Julie Jones PE, CFM
Vice-President for Professional Affairs

Julie has been active in many roles at the Branch levels. She is a dedicated ASCE leader continuing to be an active member of the Dallas Branch for 2 years since she rolled off the board.  She received both her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Civil Engineering from the University of Arkansas in 2005 and 2007 where she began her ASCE involvement.   


In the Dallas Branch, Julie has served as Past-President Chair, Girl Scouts Champion, Engineers Without Borders Liaison, Past-President, President, Interim President, President Elect, Vice President, Texas Section Director, Branch Director, and Program Chair.  She has served in the Dallas Branch since 2012 and has been a member there since 2008.  She served on the 2014 National Program Committee for the 144th Annual Conference.  She was previously active and served as President of the University of Arkansas Student Chapter. 


Julie has worked developing relationships with other professional organizations within Dallas and for the Dallas Branch (as well as Engineers Without Borders Chapters Nationwide) and coordinating on matters of mutual concern.  She has helped prepare articles for publication in the Texas Civil Engineer magazine. 


She has held the following EWB-USA Chapter positions: Northwest Arkansas Professional Secretary/Treasurer and Co-Founder; University of Arkansas Founder and President; North Texas Professional President and Past-President, Guatemala and Bolivia Project Lead; Southern Methodist University Mentor.  At the regional level for the South Central Regional Chapter (Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma) she has served as Arkansas State Representative, Vice-President, Workshop Chair, President, Past-President and Texas State Representative.  At the national level, she has served as Global Leadership Design Global Engineer Local Pathway Leader, Global Leadership Design Global Engineer Local Planning Committee, Council of Regional Presidents, Domestic Project Committee, Mentor Committee, State Representative Committee Chair, Conference Planning Committee, and Mentor Committee. 


She has been honored to receive the following awards: EWB-USA Founders Award, ASCE Texas Section John A. Focht, Jr. Citizen Engineer Award, and ASCE Dallas Branch Young Engineer of the Year. 


Julie is the Director of Water Resources at Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. in Dallas Texas.  Julie professionally works on large projects as the hydrology and hydraulics project engineer/manager. These types of projects include roadway and guideway drainage, hydrology and hydraulics studies, and FEMA studies. Julie has also performed technical reviews and serves as the District Engineer for two flood control districts. She has completed designs for erosion control projects, completed 2-D hydrologic/hydraulic models, and performed client coordination and project management services. 

Mark Mann PE
Vice-President for Technical Affairs

Mr. Mark Mann, P.E. has over 20 years of experience in water and wastewater treatment facilities, pump station facilities, water and sanitary sewer utilities, roadway design, drainage, and bridge inspection.  He has experience in the conceptual and preliminary engineering phases, selection of treatment equipment, design of treatment structures, and construction administration of projects.  Mr. Mann has experience in routine inspection of TxDOT on-system and off-system bridge facilities throughout the State of Texas. 








Volunteer Organizations 

Angie Fealy PE
Senior Director at Large

Angie has been passionately involved in ASCE since she joined her junior year of undergrad at Texas Tech. She enjoys being involved in the ASCE community and learning about the project and ideas that the community is taking on. Angie ensures continued development and public access by broadcasting the local branch meetings and branch opportunities to her work colleagues. She has persuaded two of her colleagues to join their local branch meetings. She is flexible with her time and offers to help out the branch section members and chance she gets. She volunteers with the Region 6 Student Symposium and advocates for her company to partake in the career fair during the event each year. 

Joe Alvarez
Vice-President for Educational Affairs Elect

Joe Alvarez has been active in ASCE since his freshman year at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.  While in school, he was on the steel bridge team that qualified for nationals in Salt Lake City, UT, as well as a member of the concrete canoe team and eventually serving as student branch president.  In 2008 and 2009 he helped the Corpus Christi Branch and Rio Grande Valley Branch as they hosted the Spring Section Meetings.  He served under Keith McBride and coordinated all registration and secured all facilities associated with the concrete canoe competitions that occurred during and in conjunction with those section meetings.  In addition, he served in a similar role for the 2013 Spring Section Meeting and Centennial Celebration.  Upon graduation, he has served the Corpus Christi Branch in various roles and is currently the Younger Members Committee Chairman of the Texas Section and the Section Director for the Corpus Christi Branch.

Joe is currently employed with the Texas Department of Transportation. In his spare time, Joe serves in roles for other civic organizations in the South Texas area

Michael Bloom, P.E., AICP, ENV SP, CFM
Vice-President for Professional Affairs Elect

Michael Bloom, P.E., AICP, ENV SP, CFM
Sustainability Practice Manager

5engineering, LLC

Michael provides sustainability and resilience consulting services with 5engineering, LLC. located in Houston, Texas.  Michael helps restore environmentally impacted sites, plans and designs resilient public infrastructure facilities, and assists communities deliver projects with enhanced economic, social, and environmental project outcomes – also called enhancing the “triple bottom line.”

Michael helps communities leverage nature-based solutions to manage stormwater.  He serves on the Texas Water Development Board’s Flood Technical Advisory Group, which provides input to the Board’s new state-wide planning efforts.  Michael is an expert in the application of the Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework (Envision), which provides a guide to enhance triple bottom line outcomes generated by public infrastructure projects.

He currently chairs the Government Affairs Committee of the Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), he is a member of ASCE’s Committee on Sustainability, and he serves the Sustainable Infrastructure Committee of the West Houston Association.

He is an Envision Sustainability Professional, a Certified Planner by the American Institute of Certified Planners, a Certified Floodplain Manager, a Board-Certified Environmental Engineer, and a Professional Engineer in Texas and six other states.

Patricia Fayre PE
Vice-President for Technical Affairs Elect

Ms. Frayre, founding principal of Frayre Engineering & Consulting, has experience in the management of private and public sector clients for site development and public works projects. Ms. Frayre has more than 28 years of experience in the general civil engineering professional services industry. Her experience includes high-profile and standard site development projects and major/minor public works infrastructure projects.
Project management experience for Ms. Frayre include multi-phase parks and green spaces construction, street reconstruction projects, new roadway construction, pedestrian realm improvements on transit corridors, shared-use pedestrian and bicycle trails, stormwater drainage improvements, and water main and wastewater collection system improvements.

Program management experience for Ms. Frayre includes disaster recovery support services. Ms. Frayre is a contributing member of the community and engaged in various organizations and professional societies including:

Anna Olveda-Leija

Anna Olveda is VP of Engineering for Wafflemat in Grapevine, TX. In the past 8 years of her Engineering career, she has worked on numerous commercial and residential projects across the state of Texas that vary in size and complexity. She received her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from Texas A&M University in Kingsville, TX (TAMUK) in 2013 and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (TAMUK) in 2015 with an emphasis in Structures.

Anna’s involvement with ASCE began in 2012 with the ASCE TAMUK Student Chapter (sponsored by ASCE- Corpus Christi Branch) and has continued her commitment to the organization throughout her professional career. She has served on the ASCE Board in San Antonio since 2015, where she previously served as the ASCE- San Antonio Branch President, as well as a volunteer for the ASCE San Antonio Branch Scholarship Committee. She has also been published in the ASCE-AEI Journal (2017) for her continued research in floor vibrations.

When she is not busy with work, learning, or volunteering, she enjoys traveling the world with her supportive and extremely patient husband.

Jenni Peters, CAE
Executive Director (Ex Officio)

Jenni Peters is the Executive Director of ASCE Texas Section. In this full-time role, she is devoted to the advancement of the civil engineering profession, the leadership of the Section, and passionate about growing the engagement and membership of the Section’s 15 Branches. She regularly works with the Section’s leaders on the Board of Direction and Executive Committee to implement the strategic plan and ensure the Section continues to be one of the most active sections within ASCE.

Jenni’s responsibilities include:

More About Jenni

Before joining the ASCE Texas Section team, Jenni has worked with associations for more than 6 years, and before that in the for-profit world, more than 15 years focused on marketing, sponsorship, and event promotion in mostly the telecommunications industry, also dabbling in personalized license plates (MyPlates.com). Fulfilling a goal set in college to return to the community service sector, her career led her back to her alma mater, the University of Texas at Austin, where she began her work with non-profits/associations, coordinating membership for an international higher education trade association. It was with his amazing, passionate staff team that she decided to take the leap into making association management her new career path, which lead to a move to managing marketing, membership, and communications for a statewide pharmacy society.

“In getting to know the ASCE Texas Section members and our colleagues within the civil engineering industry, I continue to be inspired and humbled to be a part in helping them build a better quality life for our communities,” said Jenni. “I am honored to lead the Section as we further engage and grow our amazing membership community.”

Jenni graduated with a BS in Sociology and Communications from UT Austin and has earned her CAE (Certified Association Executive) designation. She also “earned her ears” completing two semesters in the Disney College Program, as well as earning Disney Institute’s Approach to Leadership Excellence Certificate and completing their Leadership Essentials: Collaboration course.

She is a native Texan, growing up in the Houston area as an Astros and Oilers fan (you cannot beat a baby blue oil rig). As a Texas Ex Life Member, she will forever bleed orange. Jenni is also a life member of Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed community service organization. Jenni, her husband Jonny, and their daughter June (the JPs as they call themselves) are avid Disney fans and try to vacation at either Land or World at least once a year.

I am always open to receiving feedback and encourage all members to reach out with suggestions and hurdles you are currently facing in your professional activities that the Section may be able to offer assistance.” – Jenni

Mike Sosa
Secretary (Ex Officio)

Mike’s responsibilities include:

More about Mike

Mike Sosa joined ASCE Texas Section as the Data Coordinator in June of 2017. He is very detail-oriented and has experience working with member-driven associations. He enjoys interacting with members of the Section and helping them benefit from the Section’s resources.

Prior to joining ASCE Texas Section, he spent time working as an executive assistant for companies located in Columbus, OH and San Diego, CA. He is a 2010 graduate of the College of Business at Ohio University with a B.S. in Sport Administration. Before that, he was raised in sunny San Diego and spent the vast majority of his free time on a baseball field or at the beach.

Shortly before joining the team at the Section Office, Mike relocated to Austin from Columbus, OH with his girlfriend, Keah, and their adorable Pitbull/Lab puppy, Nollie. Since moving to Austin, they have expanded the family by adopting a two-year old Australian Cattle Dog named Ziggy.

Outside of work he enjoys finding new places around town to try unique craft beer, catching a baseball or football game on the weekend, exploring local parks and trails with his dogs, and playing slow-pitch softball or a round of golf on a nice Sunday afternoon.

Mike is also an avid fan of the San Diego Padres, San Diego Chargers (he knows they moved, but he refuses to acknowledge the change), New York Yankees, Oklahoma City Thunder, and the Duke Blue Devils men’s basketball team.

Assistant Treasurer
Angie Fealy PE
Senior Director at Large

Angie has been passionately involved in ASCE since she joined her junior year of undergrad at Texas Tech. She enjoys being involved in the ASCE community and learning about the project and ideas that the community is taking on. Angie ensures continued development and public access by broadcasting the local branch meetings and branch opportunities to her work colleagues. She has persuaded two of her colleagues to join their local branch meetings. She is flexible with her time and offers to help out the branch section members and chance she gets. She volunteers with the Region 6 Student Symposium and advocates for her company to partake in the career fair during the event each year. 

Adam Eaton PE, CFM, ENV SP
Second Year Director at Large

Adam Eaton serves as a Senior Project Manager and resiliency and sustainability subject matter expert for Ardurra, focused on climate-resilient solutions for water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. His professional experience spans the breadth of water resources and includes planning and implementing flood mitigation and storm drainage improvement analyses, municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, and policy and planning for aquifer storage and recovery in Texas. He also has experience in policy and regulatory projects with the TCEQ and the Michigan DOT, as well as international financing for sustainable and energy-efficient projects through an INGO in Vienna, Austria. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, a Certified Floodplain Manager, and an Envision Sustainability Professional and Envision Trainer. He received a Master of Public Service and Administration from the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the Lee Honors College at Western Michigan University. 

Colton Gill PE
First Year Director at Large

Colton Gill, P.E. is a transportation engineer with BGE, Inc in Frisco, Texas. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Texas and Arkansas. Colton has 7 years of experience on various schematic and PS&E transportation projects in the greater DFW area. Colton’s projects vary from large interstate schematics to PS&E design of local city streets. Colton holds a Bachelor of Science (2016) in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech University. He has been involved with the American Society of Civil Engineers since 2016. Since graduation, he served in various roles at the ASCE Dallas Branch including Newsletter Editor from 2016-2018, Younger Member Chair in 2018, MRLC Planning Board in 2019, and Secretary in 2019. He is also involved in other local professional organizations.

Siang ( Sunny) Zhou
First Year Director at Large

Dr. Siang Zhou is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), leading active research in bridge engineering, structural design and analysis,
and infrastructure structural resilience. Dr. Zhou received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and has strong academic records in analyzing steel structural behavior
through field testing, structural laboratory testing, and large-scale numerical simulation. Dr. Zhou has been involved in multiple projects with U.S. transportation agencies and has excellent records of
publications, including various ASCE journals, such as Journal of Bridge Engineering, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, and Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction.
In addition, Dr. Zhou has made several impactful presentations at the International Bridge Conference that brought practical impacts to the civil engineering, structural engineering, and transportation
community. After starting a faculty position in UTRGV, Dr. Zhou has also been devoted to education. She is teaching Structural Steel Design and will be teaching Mechanics of Material, which are both core
ABET courses. Dr. Zhou is actively involved in student activities, including serving as the faculty advisor for ASCE Bridge Competition.

Katherine Smith PE
Austin Branch Section Director
Robert Lys Jr. PE
Brazos Branch Section Director
Nancy S. Cline PE
Dallas Branch Section Director
Marvin Gomez PE
El Paso Branch Section Director
Andrea Taylor PE
Fort Worth Branch Section Director

Andrea Taylor is a Professional Engineer and Principal at mma inc, where she is manages the engineering design and City Permitting of various project types, including single family and multifamily residential, commercial, industrial, schools, and entertainment across the DFW Metroplex.  Second to her passion of engineering is sharing her love of engineering and will take any opportunity to present to students.

Andrea attended the University of Texas at Arlington, where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and Master’s of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering. She is married to Shane Taylor, mom to a toddler. Andrea is a Board Member of CREW Fort Worth, is the Fort Worth Branch ASCE Texas Section Director,  and serves on the City of Hurst Planning and Zoning Commission. In her spare time, Andrea enjoys a good book or practicing her amateur baking skills.

Mahsa Arastoo PE
Houston Branch Section Director
David D. Stanley PE
Northeast Texas Branch Section Director

David Stanley, PE has been an active member of ASCE since 2013. He currently serves as the Northeast Texas Branch Section Director and Practitioner Advisor for LeTourneau University. David has previously served under all Officer positions at the NET Branch. His degrees include a BS in civil engineering from LeTourneau University and a BA in political science from the University of Texas at Austin.

David is an Associate and East Texas Group Leader for CP&Y, Inc. and has over eight years of experience in civil engineering design and construction oversight for multiple facility types including water distribution systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, spillways and dams, and well sites. His experience includes new construction, rehabilitation and improvements, inspections, hydraulic analyses, and environmental permitting for municipalities and utility districts, as well as industrial clients and private developers.

David and his wife, Sarah, live in Kilgore, Texas where they are both active members of their community serving on various non-profit and municipal boards

Edwin Manrique EIT
Rio Grande Valley Branch Section Director
Mike Bratten PE
San Antonio Branch Section Director
Liv M. Haselbach PhD, PE
Southeast Texas Branch Section Director

Dr. Liv Haselbach is a professor and chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lamar University in Texas. She authored the McGraw-Hill book, The Engineering Guide to LEED- New Construction, Sustainable Construction for Engineers, served as an Associate Director of the USDOT University Transportation Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) and was the 2015 Fulbright/Alcoa Distinguished Chair in the Environmental Sciences and Engineering in Brazil. She previously was an associate/full professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Washington State University, an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina, and a lecturer at Yale University.

She has authored numerous papers on sustainability related to site issues, concrete carbon sequestration, metal mitigation technologies, life cycle assessment and low impact development. Her degrees include a BS with Distinction in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Cornell, an MS in Chemical Engineering from UC Berkeley, and a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Connecticut. Liv is a licensed professional engineer and a LEED AP (BD+C). Prior to her academic career she founded an engineering consulting company in the New York – Connecticut area, which specialized in permitting and site development for major US companies.

Western Texas Branch Section Director
Mark Boyd PhD, PE, D.WRE, CAPM
Office and Personal Committee Chair

With Stantec’s full support, Mark continues his dedicated service to ASCE, building on a distinguished record of leadership. He has chaired the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card Committee, serves on its current leadership committee, contributed to the Section’s Centennial Celebration, and progressed through five years of leadership roles on the Dallas Branch Board of Direction. His 40-year journey with ASCE began in 1984 as a member of the SMU ASCE student chapter.

A proud alumnus of SMU’s Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering, Mark credits his professors and peers with inspiring him to pursue a PhD in Civil/Environmental Engineering and to remain engaged in education. Since 2001, he has served as an adjunct faculty member at SMU, mentoring countless ASCE student members and aspiring engineers.

Born in Lahore, Pakistan and raised in the US and different countries in Latin America, Mark’s career spans hazardous materials remediation, environmental compliance, water resources, hydraulics and hydrology, and geo-environmental studies. At Stantec, he has contributed significantly to environmental initiatives like Dallas’s Brownfields Program through the Brownfields Asset Transformation Group. His expertise also extends to projects with the City of Dallas, the Texas Department of Transportation, and Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

Mark lives in Richardson, Texas, with his wife of 40 years, Monica Fatima, whose unwavering support inspires his success. He takes pride in his children: Natalie Nassim, a UNT faculty member and expert real estate instructor and realtor, and Stephen Hickel, an Eagle Scout, SMU economist, and finance professional. Outside of work, Mark enjoys traveling—often using his Spanish fluency—and cherishing time with his family.

conomist, and Finance Officer extraordinaire!

Patrick M. Beecher PE
Past Presidents Council Committee Chair



Susan K. Roth PE, PMP
Nominating Committee Chair
Travis Barnett PE
Branch/Section Relations Committee Co-Chair
Patrick J. Williams PE
Branch/Section Relations Committee Chair
Carlos Balderrama PE
CECON Planning Committee Co-Chair

Carlos is a graduate of Texas A&M University and has over 10 years of experience in the transportation industry. He grew up in El Paso TX, where most of his family still resides, but has moved all over Texas throughout his career. He finds it boring to do just one thing, so he has worked in design, maintenance, and CEI and enjoys learning and trying new fields and projects. The farthest he has traveled for work has been Oslo, Norway, where he designed facilities and roadways for the Rygge Air base for a federal contract.

He has experience with PS&E, Design-Build, and CEI projects for municipalities in Texas and for NTTA and TxDOT. His top project highlights include Design-Build experience, having worked on the North Tarrant Express Segment 3A project in Fort Worth and on the IH 35 NEX Central project in San Antonio; and serving as project engineer for the IH 35 and US 183 Interchange reconstruction projects in Austin.

Carlos has been involved with the ASCE Dallas Branch since 2019, and has served in multiple positions including Programs Chair, Technical Director, and Younger Member Co-Chair. In his spare time Carlos enjoys planning tennis and running. He loves traveling and tries to visit at least two new countries every year.

Adam Eaton, PE, ENV SP, CFM
Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair

He currently serves as WSP USA’s Texas Senior Water Resiliency Planner focused on climate-resilient solutions for water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure and policy and planning for urban resilience and sustainability. His previous professional experience includes planning and implementation of flood mitigation and storm drainage improvement analyses with Houston Public Works, and municipal industrial water and wastewater treatment with CDM Smith. He also has experience in policy and regulatory projects with the TCEQ and the Michigan DOT, as well as international financing for sustainable and energy-efficient projects through an INGO in Vienna, Austria. I am a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, a Certified Floodplain Manager, and an Envision Sustainability Professional and Envision Trainer. I received a Master of Public Service and Administration from the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the Lee Honors College at Western Michigan University.  


Michael P. Gurka PE
Honors Committee Chair

Michael Gurka is a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Texas and resides in the Greater Houston Area. He holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio, Graduating Class of 2010. He has been a member of ASCE since his undergraduate studies at UTSA and is active with the ASCE Houston Branch. Michael previously served as Director at Large for the ASCE Texas Section.  

Professionally, Michael has 13 years of experience in Water and Wastewater Industry while providing design and construction oversight on $100+ Million Dollars of public infrastructure projects while at Quiddity Engineering, LLC. Michael operates as a Engineering Manager over the Permitting Group and CAD Design Team in the Water Practice. His technical expertise is focused on large and small diameter water and wastewater projects, surface water canal systems, lift stations, reclaimed water systems, water and wastewater utility relocation and rehabilitations, water distribution system modeling and analysis, asset management, capital improvement planning and impact fee studies.  Michael specializes in water and wastewater utility rehabilitation projects. He has designed and overseen construction valued at $10M on 25 miles of underground water and wastewater utility rehabilitation projects over the past few years.  

Personally, Michael is married to his wife Kristina and they have 2 children, Landon and Presley. The Gurka family enjoys traveling, sports, and enjoying the great outdoors.  

Melinda Luna PE, CFM
History & Heritage Committee Chair

Melinda Luna, PE, GISP, CFM has been a civil engineer for almost 30 years. A graduate of Texas A & I University, she has been interested in Texas history since childhood.  She has been very active with the American Society of Civil Engineers serving as the History and Heritage chair for 17 years as well as serving as local branch officer, scholarship committee member, National committee member on the Environmental Water resource Institute History & Heritage committee, and volunteering her technical skills to solve questions.

She shares her research in Texas civil engineering via a History column – Texas Civil Engineering History in the Texas Civil Engineer magazine.  She also gets contacted by the public for help answering questions and is helpful to authors, genealogist, ASCE members, and others interested in Texas Civil Engineering history.  Along with being a Professional engineer, Melinda has other certifications as a Geographic Information Systems professional and a Certified Floodplain manager.

Brent McNeme PE
Membership Committee Co-Chair



Clint Hoover PE
Membership Committee Co-Chair
Sarah DeBerry PE
Strategic Planning Committee Chair
Nalah Williams EIT
STEM Committee Chair
Eva Reynal PE
Student Activities Committee Chair

Eva Reynal EIT is a Project Engineer in the H&H Division at Elevation Land Solutions. She has 3 years of experience in hydraulics and hydrology in Houston and the surrounding areas. Eva earned a Bachelor’s degree and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering with a focus in water resources from Texas Tech University.

Shannon Jungman PE
Student Competition Coordinator
Paola Wagnon EIT
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Council Co-Chair

Paola Wagnon EIT is an Engineer II on the Land Development team at Pape-Dawson Engineers. Paola earned her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Tyler in the Spring of 2022. She has been involved in student engagement throughout her career and time with ASCE. She enjoys encouraging young adults and children from a variety of backgrounds to find and follow a passion for STEM.

Kameron Boggan PE
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair
Elizabeth Livengood EIT
Younger Members Committee Co-Chair
Thomas Poulose PE
Younger Members Committee Co-Chair
Austin Messerli PE
Texas Infrastructure Report Card Committee Co-Chair

Austin Messerli is a Senior Engineer/Project Manager with K Friese & Associates. Originally from Oklahoma, he earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma. Relocating to Central Texas over four years ago and is now happy to call it home. He has over nine years of experience with Municipal, County, and DOT transportation projects across Texas, Oklahoma, and the surrounding States. The most exciting part of this work is seeing all the various components of transportation projects come together to form a positive and lasting impact on the public. Austin is an active member of ASCE, first participating in the University of Oklahoma Chapter, where he eventually became president, then holding various positions professionally across Oklahoma and Texas. He serves as Austin Branch Section Director and Texas Section Infrastructure Report Card Co-Chair. Previously, he served as Government Affairs Chair/Co-Chair for Austin Branch and Texas Section, helped Chair the Highway and Roads Committee, assisted the Parks and Rec Committee with the 2021 Texas Infrastructure Report Card, and participated in the National Legislative Fly-In, the Texas State Drive-Ins, MLRC, and student mentoring programs for UT.

Travis Attanasio PE
Subject Matter Experts Bureau Co-Chair
Griselda Gonzales PE, LEED AP, ENV SP
Texas Infrastructure Report Card Committee Co-Chair
Joe W. Alvarez
Construction Institute Chapter Co-Chair

Joe Alvarez has been active in ASCE since his freshman year at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.  While in school, he was on the steel bridge team that qualified for nationals in Salt Lake City, UT, as well as a member of the concrete canoe team and eventually serving as student branch president.  In 2008 and 2009 he helped the Corpus Christi Branch and Rio Grande Valley Branch as they hosted the Spring Section Meetings.  He served under Keith McBride and coordinated all registration and secured all facilities associated with the concrete canoe competitions that occurred during and in conjunction with those section meetings.  In addition, he served in a similar role for the 2013 Spring Section Meeting and Centennial Celebration.  Upon graduation, he has served the Corpus Christi Branch in various roles and is currently the Younger Members Committee Chairman of the Texas Section and the Section Director for the Corpus Christi Branch.

Joe is currently employed with the Texas Department of Transportation. In his spare time, Joe serves in roles for other civic organizations in the South Texas area.

John Mudd PE
Construction Institute Chapter Chair
Curtis B. Beitel PE, CFM, ENV SP
Environmental & Water Resources Institute Chapter Chair

Curtis Beitel has been active in ASCE since he graduated from Texas A&M University in 1993.  In 1996 he served as the Continuing Education Chair of the Fort Worth ASCE Branch, organizing several CPD classes on HEC-RAS and Bioengineering.  He continued to serve the Fort Worth Branch in several officer positions including Branch President in 2001-02.  Curtis served as the Water Resources Chair of the Texas Section from 1999 to 2001 and was Vice President-Technical in 2002-2003.  He continued to serve on the Texas Section Board as the Section Director from the Fort Worth Branch from 2003 to 2005.  He was the Budget Chair for Fall 2007 Meeting of the Texas Section in Fort Worth, and served as the General Co-Chair of the Texas Section/CI/ICSDEC Fall 2012 Conference in Fort Worth.

Curtis received the Fort Worth Branch’s Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement in 1998.  He is also active in the Texas Floodplain Management Association, serving as their Newsletter Editor since 2004, and is a member of the Society of Military Engineers.  To help community leaders understand the risk that flooding poses to their local economy, Curtis conceived and led the development of the FloodManager game for the ASFPM Foundation, and teaches the “Experience a Town At Risk” classes at various conferences.  The ASFPM Foundation presented him with an award for Outstanding Contributions in 2010.  HDR presented him with a Pathfinder Award for External Client Service in 2013.

Curtis is currently the North Texas Water Resources Program Manager for HDR Engineering, and was named a Professional Associate of the company in January 2013.  He is leading the development of the Bexar County Flood Warning System for the San Antonio River Authority, and works on projects for public clients across Texas.  He has been married to his wife Leanne since 1996 and they have two daughters – Katherine and Ellie.


Nick Dayal PE
Geotechnical Institute Chapter Chair
Structural Engineering Institute Chapter Chair
Surya Bhandari PE, M.ASCE
Transportation & Development Institute Chapter Chair







    National Level


Texas Section Level


     Branch Level






Aimee Trawick PE
Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Chapter Chair
Anna Olveda
Forensics Group Institute Chapter Chair

Anna Olveda is VP of Engineering for Wafflemat in Grapevine, TX. In the past 8 years of her Engineering career, she has worked on numerous commercial and residential projects across the state of Texas that vary in size and complexity. She received her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from Texas A&M University in Kingsville, TX (TAMUK) in 2013 and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (TAMUK) in 2015 with an emphasis in Structures.

Anna’s involvement with ASCE began in 2012 with the ASCE TAMUK Student Chapter (sponsored by ASCE- Corpus Christi Branch) and has continued her commitment to the organization throughout her professional career. She has served on the ASCE Board in San Antonio since 2015, where she previously served as the ASCE- San Antonio Branch President, as well as a volunteer for the ASCE San Antonio Branch Scholarship Committee. She has also been published in the ASCE-AEI Journal (2017) for her continued research in floor vibrations.

When she is not busy with work, learning, or volunteering, she enjoys traveling the world with her supportive and extremely patient husband.